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Future Friday ~ Part 2

Updated: Oct 30, 2022

Good afternoon, Readers! Today we bring you another excerpt, from a future book that Krista is working on. This one will be a mysterious, thrilling and dangerous ride, that’s for sure! Hope y’all enjoy this small sneak peek!

Note: To read part one of this sneak peek, scroll down our page of previous blog posts to “Future Friday”.


Ruby rubbed her eyes and groaned at the blaring noise. With a sigh she reached for her phone to snooze the alarm and then remembered it was still out on the sofa. Frowning as Sam licked her face, Ruby slid from beneath the covers. The alarm ceased with the sound of her phone now ringing. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Ruby grumbled as she made her way to the sofa, Sam trotting by her side. Ruby dug through her purse and snatched the phone from it. She swiped the frizz of curls behind her ear and squeezed her eyes shut. After blinking them several times, she looked at her phone screen which now read, Missed Call. “Man!” Ruby tossed the phone back onto the sofa and hurried to the kitchen. She frowned at the dishes in the sink and opened the cabinet. "Yes! One mug left." Ruby retrieved the mug from the cabinet and set it under the Keurig spout. She then pushed the power button on the Keurig. She yawned as she waited on the coffee maker to heat up. A whimper brought her attention to the dog at her feet. “Good morning, Sam. Suppose you’d like breakfast too, huh?” Sam barked and wagged his tail. Ruby bent to rub the old dog’s shaggy head. Ruby shook her head and smiled sadly as she remembered how Ray had been the one to name Sam. Ray had said that the dog looked like “Samwise” from LOTR, with his shaggy head of hair. Ruby had laughed and agreed and that was how the obviously mixed breed of a Golden Retriever received its name. Sam was clearly not a full breed as Ruby and Ray had first been lead to believe when they had purchased Sam as a puppy.

Ruby walked to the pantry door, with Sam wagging his tail at her side, and retrieved Sam’s dishes from the mat on the floor. She opened the pantry door and lifted the lid to the container filled with Puree dog food. She filled the scoop inside it with dog food and poured it into Sam’s bowl. She then made her way back to the counter and held a hand over the bowl’s side with the food in it and emptied Sam’s water dish from the night before, into the sink. She then turned on the faucet. She filled the empty side of the dish with fresh water and returned the dog dishes to their designated spot. Sam licked his chops and looked up at her expectantly with his dark eyes. “Go ahead boy. Enjoy breakfast…” Ruby sighed at the sound of her phone ringing once more. “It’s more than I have time for.” Ruby rushed to her phone. “Hello, Stevens.”

“Where are you, Rubes?” The impatient voice came through the phone. Ruby darted to her room and snatched the jacket she had worn the day before and slipped it over her shoulders. “I’m on my way, don’t rush me Josh!”

“Well, your services are needed.”

“Can’t any of you survive without me for a few minutes?” Ruby grumbled as she searched her closet for more comfortable shoes to wear than the previous day.

“Well actually we can, but Boss says he may have a new lead for ya.” Josh continued on the phone.

Locating a pair of gray flats, Ruby slipped her feet into them and made her way back to the bed. Lifting her pillow she retrieved the holstered pistol beneath it. “With the Leland case? I’m sure it can wait a few more-”

“No, Rubes, it’s about Ray…”

Ruby’s knees suddenly went weak. She dropped the phone and sank down onto the bed. One whispered word escaped her lips - "Ray."

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